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Homestead Exemption

The Homestead Exemption in Houston, Texas, is a property tax exemption provided to homeowners to reduce the amount of property taxes they owe on their primary residence and guards against excessive appraisal hikes. It's essentially a discount on property taxes granted to qualifying homeowners which may help keep your monthly costs down.


Here's how it typically works:


Primary Residence The property must be your primary residence, meaning you live in it as your main home.


Owner-Occupied  You must own and occupy the property as of January 1st of the tax year you're applying for the exemption.


Exemption Amount The exemption typically reduces the assessed value of your home for taxation purposes. In Texas, it's common for homestead exemptions to provide a percentage discount on the property's assessed value, such as 20% or more.


Application Process  Homeowners need to apply for the homestead exemption with an updated Drivers License matching your homestead address.


Deadline Deadline for that year is January 1st -April 30th.  It is still recommended to file for a late filing if allowed by the county.


Benefits The Homestead Exemption can lead to significant savings on property taxes, making homeownership more affordable for residents.



It's important for homeowners to check with their local appraisal district or tax assessor's office for specific details on how to apply for the Homestead Exemption in their area, as the rules and procedures can vary slightly from one jurisdiction to another.


Need help Filing?

Homestead Exemption Forms

Harris County Appraisal District

Montgomery County Appraisal District

Fort Bend Appraisal District

Waller County Appraisal District

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